Accepting your partner. Love is your teacher.
”Ah, the course of true love never did run smooth.” William Shakespeare
Venus is in retrograde right now and is stirring up some serious romantic shit.
I am feeling it, anger at my partner I had been trying to just ignore has caused some big pain in my body and making me lash out in ways I am not ok with.
But, it is making me look at what is going on. How can I honor my needs? (Speak them!) Express and release my anger and fears in safe, healthy ways? (Yelling into and hitting pillows, shaking, long breathwork processes, ...) And be compassionate to my partner? (I know he is scared too, he is a human for fucks sake! I accept him and his process, I can accept that he is going to ignore his feelings and actions needed and just be on his phone, I accept, I accept, I accept, ...)
So, right now true love isn’t meant to run smooth. Romantic relationship is meant to be our greatest teacher. An opportunity to bring up all the painful things we have stuffed down inside so we can see them, allow ourselves to feel them, accept them, love them, heal and integrate them becoming more and more whole and loving.