In the mood for sex?

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Many times your mind will have several reasons why you shouldn’t/don’t want to have sex with your partner.
You know what they are, you replay them over and over when your partner instigates sex, when you’re not “in the mood”, when you have too much to do, you have done too much already today.
But the mood for sex might never come around at the right time or at the same time as your partner.
The truth is the mood for sex might not even ever come around until you have already been making out for awhile. (The technical term for this is responsive desire.)
If there is nothing big and serious keeping you from saying yes and jumping into intimacy with your partner, I invite you to go for it and see where the energy takes you.
I can tell you from experience that some of the best sex happens when you didn’t think/feel like it at all. Sometimes, those are the times you need that loving the most.


Love & acceptance


Magenta ray