Soulmates that feel like home.
Why your soulmate feels like home, how this is an opportunity to evolve, and how to use it to create the happy healthy relationship you desire and deserve.
Why Forgive The One Who Broke Your Heart
Why forgiving that person who has broken your heart can create so much personal freedom and a juicy joyful life.
Creating new love. Manifesting a romantic partner.
If you are desiring to create new love (or maybe a newness in your current relationship) from a place of being single a few weeks or a few million years; I know it can feel this way sometimes especially this year, this video will help you know what to do to get to a place of emotional readiness for said new relationship. And we will go through a fun and powerful way to manifest this beautiful being into your life. Oooh, it feels good, you’re going to love it. (Maybe do it a bit, or alot, slower than I do in the video to really feel the yumminess.)