Uncover Orgasmic Sensation 2
Uncover orgasmic sensation in your body. Clear sexual/sensual numbness to feel more pleasure in your body and sensual experiences.
This healing clears layers and layers of patriarchal trauma and how this has affected you on the greater levels of your life and within a primary relationship.
Tunes you to pleasure and permission to be wildly orgasmic with energetic downloads, kundalini awakening, and much more.
*In these sessions I am tuned into every person who will ever watch and receive the healing. So, whenever you watch this you are included in the healing and the energies are happening in the ever present moment. Thanks quantum physics!
Video File Download. 56 Minutes.
Uncover orgasmic sensation in your body. Clear sexual/sensual numbness to feel more pleasure in your body and sensual experiences.
This healing clears layers and layers of patriarchal trauma and how this has affected you on the greater levels of your life and within a primary relationship.
Tunes you to pleasure and permission to be wildly orgasmic with energetic downloads, kundalini awakening, and much more.
*In these sessions I am tuned into every person who will ever watch and receive the healing. So, whenever you watch this you are included in the healing and the energies are happening in the ever present moment. Thanks quantum physics!
Video File Download. 56 Minutes.
Uncover orgasmic sensation in your body. Clear sexual/sensual numbness to feel more pleasure in your body and sensual experiences.
This healing clears layers and layers of patriarchal trauma and how this has affected you on the greater levels of your life and within a primary relationship.
Tunes you to pleasure and permission to be wildly orgasmic with energetic downloads, kundalini awakening, and much more.
*In these sessions I am tuned into every person who will ever watch and receive the healing. So, whenever you watch this you are included in the healing and the energies are happening in the ever present moment. Thanks quantum physics!
Video File Download. 56 Minutes.