Magenta ray
Spending some time feeling into the #magentaray on a glorious afternoon by the river. And things they a’shifting...
The eighth chakra gives rise to the magenta ray, a very mysterious phenomenon: The violet ray of crown chakra and red ray of root chakra meet in the eighth chakra. This symbolizes the meeting of the very beginning and the very end, the completion into Oneness.
In the vibration and atmosphere of the magenta ray, all duality and separation returns back to its initial state, the nature of oneness. Whatever influences us to create sufferings through thoughts and emotions naturally dissolves into a vast and complete awareness, just like darkness disappears with the appearance of light.
This eighth chakra and magenta ray takes you into a field of existence, beyond words and concepts, directly revealing your true essence. Within the light of your essence many past conditionings and identifications dissolve and we return back to the healthy, joyful, free and liberated river of life. -living unity
Accepting your partner. Love is your teacher.
”Ah, the course of true love never did run smooth.” William Shakespeare
Venus is in retrograde right now and is stirring up some serious romantic shit.
I am feeling it, anger at my partner I had been trying to just ignore has caused some big pain in my body and making me lash out in ways I am not ok with.
But, it is making me look at what is going on. How can I honor my needs? (Speak them!) Express and release my anger and fears in safe, healthy ways? (Yelling into and hitting pillows, shaking, long breathwork processes, ...) And be compassionate to my partner? (I know he is scared too, he is a human for fucks sake! I accept him and his process, I can accept that he is going to ignore his feelings and actions needed and just be on his phone, I accept, I accept, I accept, ...)
So, right now true love isn’t meant to run smooth. Romantic relationship is meant to be our greatest teacher. An opportunity to bring up all the painful things we have stuffed down inside so we can see them, allow ourselves to feel them, accept them, love them, heal and integrate them becoming more and more whole and loving.
Weathering the romantic
“Marriage is a safe haven, my darling.
And love? Love is something else. It’s the weather being good every day, because wind and rain are just another kind of good weather.
That’s love.”
-Andrea | Casanova (2005)
Finding appreciation for your differences in relationship.
☕️ My husband brings me coffee in bed every morning and I read him to sleep at night. 📚
He is an early bird and I am a nightingale and we have both spent a lot of time upset, feeling abandoned by the other for their being asleep when we want to play.
It’s so easy to be upset that your partner is different than you, that you have different habits, rituals and ways of being. Maybe you are complete opposites... Or it just feels like it sometimes.
Being willing to accept your partner as they are can change everything. It will allow you to find appreciation for them, for their weird or “wrong” ways, appreciation for the whole situation. And eventually be grateful for your differences. What new wonderful things they bring into your life that would not be there without their differences.
What could you be willing to accept about your partner now? .
Art by Dorina Costras
Intensional Relationship
🧡 Intension for my relationship 🧡
To love & desire my husband more & more each day. More each year. And to receive more of his love & desire for me over time.
As we celebrated our wedding anniversary last week I felt it was important to renew intentions for our relationship moving forward.
We are creative beings and what we intend to create has massive power in actually creating our desires. You get to choose what you want and use your intension, your energies, your capacity to manifest to make it real in your experience.
Best way to create your desire... speak it out loud. Write it down, tell yourself and everyone else that you already have it. Feel it, see it, hear it, taste it, smell it; immerse yourself in the experience as if it is real right now.
You have the power to create your life, your relationship, by making intensions that it be a big, beautiful, fun and sexy as you desire.
Tell me, tell the universe, what do you desire??
Your love is here, now.
Yet, I wish for but the thing I have.
My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love is deep, for the more I give thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.
-Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
Devoted to your sex life.
What if you made love as regularly and as religiously as you (fill in your own blank)?
((Watching tv, social media, drinking alcohol, eating junk food, ...))
What sort of life do you thing you would have then?
Perhaps more alive. More joyful. More in love. More happy. More relaxed.
How can you become as devoted to your love/sex life as you are to your vices?
What would it mean to you to have passionate, sweet, wild sex on a regular basis? What might change in your life?
I am here to help you and your partner find your way to playful passion and deeply desirous love on a daily basis no matter what is standing in the way.
Photo by @Carlolm_1
Open your mind and your legs will follow.
Silly sounding, but true. If there is a belief you hold, even subconsciously, that sex is dirty or shameful in some way; it was probably passed down to you from family/friends/church/media/... and you may not be having the easiest time diving into wild, sensual, passionate love making with your partner. Even though you both deeply desire to.
If this is something that is affecting you and your relationship I am here to help. I can help you change your limiting beliefs to ones that support you in thriving in your relationship and sex life, creating new ways of thinking, living and loving.
Being a sensualist.
I consider myself a sensualist.
I experience the world through my senses, with the intension to stay more and more out of the egoic trappings of my beautiful, yet sometimes quite cruel mind.
Allowing it to do its thing but, stepping ever farther away from being controlled by it.
The mind will tell us we need a never ending slew of things we don’t need, it will tell us we are not as amazing and wonderful as her & him, & him & her and omg I must be the absolute worse... & unpretty & unintelligent & untalented.
Woah! Fuck that noise!
As a sensualist I feel the exquisite sensations of the shower spray on my hands and body, I hear the sheets swish and slip against each other when I move them. I see the beauty in what is in-front of me & I have to moan my food tastes so good. When I touch myself my awareness is on the sensations between my hands & my body & what that is making happen all through my body.
Consider whenever you can, what does it feel like inside my body? What is going on if I am just aware of what is happening right here, right now?
Oooh, it’s good. It’s really good.